Phoenix Area Linux Training

Alan Dayley
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 22:03:58 -0700

RedHat recently started offering a 5-day kernel internals course.  Not if 
Phoenix, though.

Most of the Linux training offered anywhere focuses on user, admin and config 
type stuff, which is good and I could use a good admin type course too.  But 
the driver/kernel stuff is mostly where my (and my employer's) interests lie. 
 They would probably not foot the bill for an admin class for me but a driver 
and kernel class would probably fly.

The trick is to find something local.  The travel cost makes it much harder 
to sell to the budget.

Deepak, what about MonteVista here in the valley?  Do you guys do training 
here?  If so, is it generally applicable or specific to HardHat Linux?


On Sunday 24 June 2001 02:54 pm, you wrote:
> Am 22. Jun, 2001 schwäzte Alan Dayley so:
> > I have also been looking for a local Linux training source.  All aspects
> > of programming: kernel, drivers, apps.  I have not found much.  Why don't
> > some of you elite geeks put something together?  My employer will pay,
> > you teach.
> Is there even anybody who does a decent job of training with these
> subjects?
> I believe a few companies have offered courses with these types of
> subjects. I never heard good things about them, though :(.
> cioa,
> der.hans