Router Question

Tyler Hall
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 06:59:38 -0700

*grin*  I mean, I run seti and do web page stuff on it, so its not just a
server.   I restart it a lot.

Tyler Hall

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Toft" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: Router Question

> Your comment "but I play around with it a lot" bothers me.  Since you
> are using IPMasq, that implies this RH box is (or should be) a
> firewall.  What are you doing on your firewall?  You should leave it
> alone - it should serve those other five employees.  For that matter,
> make it the firewall for the whole company.
> I really hope you're not using it as a work station.  If so, go
> here: and buy one of the $15 Dell
> Pentiums, put in two $15 NICs from Fry's and use it as a router - it'll
> cost you half as much as that other thing.
> More than just my $0.02.
> George
> Tyler Hall wrote:
> >
> > Greetings;
> >
> > I have a question about a router.  I'm looking to buy one for our work
> > connection, but is a little worried.   Right now We have 5 ips, 4 of
> > are used for the higher end employees (president, vice president, etc)
> > the other 5 computers are on fake ips.  I'm running Redhat doing
> > masquerating to masqerade those other 5 computers, but I play around
with it
> > a lot so it's not the most stable thing on this planet.  So I thought to
> > myself, Hey I'll just go buy a d-link router for $85.   But, I'm running
> > into these problems.    It has 2 ports, a remote port and a local port.
> > I need both of them plugged in?  It says, put the modem in the local
port (i
> > believe) and plug the other thing into the hub.
> >
> > Well...      right now, the modem is going straight to the uplink of the
> > hub, and then everyone uses it from there.    It also says, that you can
> > plug one end into the hub and one end into the computer?  I could do
> > but then does that mean the computer has to be on 24/7 for the router to
> > work?  That wouldnt solve my problem, I want a 24/7 deciated connection!
> >
> > So, I'm thinking.    Could I take both remote and local ports, and plug
> > both into the hub?  Or does one have to be to the  modem?
> >
> > If I have to plug one into the modem, and one into the hub, will it
> > the real ips at all?   Like, if the router is down, it's going to stop
> > flow of the connection to the hub, eh?   Also, if I make some routing
> > on the router, is it going to use those routing rules on the real ips as
> > well?  Even though the real ips dont use the router gateway, they use
> > modem gateway?   I'm stuck folks, I've looked over the net and can't
> > crap.  So, I came to plug! :>
> >
> > -
> > Tyler Hall
> >
> >
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