Linux notebooks

Richard Ibbotson
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 10:29:42 +0100


>Anyway, I remembered Tuxtops and
> discovered to my dismay that they'd sold their laptop business! 

Just about any notebook will do.  Just now my own is a Clevo notebook 
from Taiwan.......

biggest problem I had with this one was Irda, USB and the internal 
modem.  However, all now works except for the modem.  That doesn't 
matter I use a modem which is a PCMCIA card.  Most times I plug 
straight into a network so that doesn't mater either.

All of this with SuSE 7.1 on a 14" screen with KDE 2.1.1.

> Were they doing badly?  Were their machines any good?  I also saw
> the site for Emporer Linux and wondered if their stuff was any
> good. Second question:  I'm still somewhat tethered to Windoze, in
> a business sense, so I was wondering if Vmware provided a good
> enough platform of the MS environment to be used for development,

I worked on the SuSE stand at the last Linux Expo in London last 
year.  Myself and a VM Ware employee found that we needed at least 
128Mb of RAM and a 500MHz cpu or faster to get it to work at an 
appreciable speed.

That being said everyone I have met is very impressed with WMWare and 
all that it can do.  One of it's main uses is at the virus labs where 
they run Windoze on Linux with the help of VM Ware.  The virus 
destroys the Windoze system and leaves the Linux system intact.

I'd recommend VM Ware to anyone who wants to use it.

BTW, there is a Linux laptop support site at  You 
should be able to find it with any search engine.

Thank you
