New Debian Install: Console Problem

Dan Brown
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 16:23:36 -0700 wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I recently picked up a used HP Omnibook 4150 laptop and have installed Debian
> stable on it. The problem I am having is that while I am running X at 1024x768
> resolution, the console seems to be at 640x480 -- or something similar. It
> seems this way becaues it is only using about half of the laptop screen. So,
> the laptop screen is 14.1 inches across, but the console display is only 7
> inches across.
> Does anyone know how to fix this?

I don't know a thing about laptops so please forgive me if this sounds
way off base.

On my monitor, the one connected to my tower, there are buttons by which
I can adjust the screen.  I press a button on the monitor and a menu
appears by which I can set such things as the brightness, contrast,
width and height of the viewable screen.  I can set the distortion and
color optiosn.  I can set how far off from center the viewable screen is
(e.g., if for some reason I wanted to, I could "move" the viewable area
over to the right so that only the left half of the screen is viewable
on the right half and it's black on the left half).

Would your laptop monitor have such adjustments available which would
allow you to expand the width and height?

Hope this helps.
