CVS Questions

Kurt Granroth
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:18:23 -0700

Michael Vanecek wrote:
> You mentioned everything but CVSROOT - what in CVSROOT would you
> tamper with?

The CVSROOT directory is the only one automatically created when you
create a new CVS repository.  It contains a bunch of files that
control how the repository "behaves".  For instance, there is a file
called 'loginfo,v' (checked out is loginfo) which is called whenever a
file is committed.  It controls what happens to the log info.  In the
KDE CVS, we use this to email the log entries to a mailing list
(kde-cvs) that everybody can read.

Now I said that this is the only place where you will directly modify
the repository and that's true.. but I'm going to qualify that.  The
only file in CVSROOT that you should ever directly modify is
'passwd'.. and only do that if you are accessing your repository with
pserver.  For everything else, just check out the corresponding file
like you would any other CVS module.

You may never change any of those files, however.  The defaults are
pretty good for most people.  The files are *mostly* for the power
users that want to "script" everything.

For more info on these files, read these:
Kurt Granroth            |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer         |
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop