CVS Questions

Kurt Granroth
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 09:56:33 -0700

Michael Vanecek wrote:
> I've recently started playing with CVS on my Linux server and have put 
> my latest website in it. I added an images directory to cvs and 
> committed it and then added the images within it. When looking at the 
> cvs repository, the new directory - images/ - is there populated by my 
> images. But there's also an Attic/ directory there too. I didn't see 
> anything in the CVS commands responses that indicated creating the 
> directory, but I may have inadvertantly put it there when adding the 
> images directory didn't produce the response I was looking for and I 
> repeated the add and commit commands. Could Attic be a type of backup or 
> something? I don't see any record of it in the repository, and the 
> images in it are of an earlier time than the images in the proper images 
> directory. Using cvs remove doesn't work - can I just delete it?
Files in the 'Attic' are "older" ones that no longer exist in the HEAD
branch.  That is, if you 'cvs remove' a file, then it goes in the
Attic.  This allows you to have revision history even on files that
are deleted.

You *could* delete the subdir if you don't care about the history at
all.. but if you aren't hurting for space, I'd leave it alone.  More
to the point, I'd leave *everything* in the CVS root alone (except for
the CVSROOT subdir) unless you really knew how everything worked.

FWIW, I recommend reading this:
Kurt Granroth            |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer         |
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop