Qwest DSL setup
Craig White
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:43:20 -0700 (MST)
Quoting "Eaton, VJ" <vj.eaton@honeywell.com>:
> >>I am going to help a friend setup Mandrake 8.0 sometime this week and
> he
> has
> qwest DSL with a 3com NIC and the Cisco 678 router. I am not sure how
> this
> setup works as I configure mine as a static LAN connection with
> cox@home.
> Would I do the same with the qwest setup or would it be a PPP
> connection?
> my thoughts are to set it up statically as I believe they are NATted
> behind
> the router using the 10.0.x.x network and point it to the router as the
> gateway. Am I correct here?
> <<
> If this was a business/persistent connection, I'd think your friend
> savvy
> enough
> (read Mandrake, 3com NIC, Cisco router) to have mentioned an IP
> assignment.
> So . . . ,
> drawing from context, I'm guessing the connection is made through the
> basic
> DSL account,
> which means you're looking at PPP and a Qwest-side dynamically assigned
> IP.
Standard account setup on Qwest ADSL with external Cisco 678
yes, modem is PPOE, dynamically assigned IP (I've seen it set up with a class A
yes, it would then provide NAT connections - DHCP in the range of so
it makes setup for lan computers rather easy.
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