Netscape 6.. ohmygod...

Blake Barnett
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:12:40 -0700

Skipstone ( is also a nice GTK frontend for Mozilla, it's
written in Perl and is very modular.  Tabbed browsing is a cool feature as

* Blake

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Cluff []
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: Netscape 6.. ohmygod...

I definatly don't use it's mail program.  Last time I tried it was sooooo
slow that I just gave up on it.

I was speaking from a purely browser point of view, and yes is does suck
that BofA doesn't work with it.  But I just install both mozilla and
netscape and then I can get into BofA.  But really, its BofA fault that it
doesn't work with it, not mozilla's

I really do prefer to have a web browser that when I resize the window, I
don't have to wait for it to reload the page.  That is just plain retarded
to do that.

Brian Cluff

PS  Check out galeon... its the web engine of Mozilla with a gnome front
end, so it's interface is quite a bit faster than mozilla's  plus its doing
some really cool stuff that the other browsers SHOULD be doing, but arent.
Like being able to delete a cookie and tell it to never accept that
particular cookie again :) (Great for double click killing)

----- Original Message -----

> I used it for about a month, just to give a go, and it fairly well
> sucked.  Bank of America's web site won't work with it, and the mail
> flaked out and I lost 276 messages.

See if your mail doesn't post
to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.

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