Brian Cluff
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 22:52:29 -0700
> 2. Since this is perhaps a bit more general to BSD/Linux - I am quite
> comfortable with the key's for console usage on RedHat - i.e. when
> reading man pages, less etc, I can use "w" for up, "z" for down, up
> arrow/down arrow and so forth. These don't seem to work in OSX.
You don't actually view man pages with man. It dumps them into the selected
viewing program. Under linux its less, my guess is that under OSX it is
Out of the man page:
man formats and displays the on-line manual pages. This version knows
about the MANPATH and (MAN)PAGER environment variables, so you can have
your own set(s) of personal man pages and choose whatever program you
like to display the formatted pages.
You'll have to check to see if OSX even has less available to it.
Brian Cluff