Windows ssh GUI client.
Digital Wokan
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 11:11:51 -0400
Digital Wokan wrote:
> Carl Parrish wrote:
> > I would like to take all telnet and ftp access off of my server to do
> > this I need to be able to give my window users a GUI client though. Does
> > anyone know if CuteFTP can connect via ssh? Or if not any other GUI
> > tools they could use? (I also have one Apple users so same question for
> > her).
> > Thanks,
> > Carl P.
> Can't help with the Mac user, but I've found PuTTY for Windows rocks.
> GUI setup. Not sure about doing FTPS over it yet though. Best of all,
> absolutely free. No nags or anything.
Found an answer to the FTPS part. PuTTY works with PSCP, a Windows port
of Unix's SCP. It's based on the command line, though maybe I could get
a GUI front-end written for it soon. Doesn't seem to work like FTP in
that I don't see anything for directory navigation or file listing.