Unable to Telnet with Redhat 7.1
Craig White
Thu, 07 Jun 2001 10:07:11 -0700 (MST)
Quoting "Khoo, Bee Leng" <bee.leng.khoo@intel.com>:
> List:
> I had set up server with Redhat 7.1. The server able to ping all it
> clients and itself but when I try to telnet / FTP to other machines
> from
> this server, it also not able to ftp to itself, it shows "CONNECTION
> REFUSE". Anyone can help ??
I believe that out of the box install - telnet is disabled.
You need to turn it on via xinetd and configure the acl's
Also, default of 'medium' security of firewall settings on RH7.1 install will
probably be enough to block access so check that setting too.
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