KDE and Flash plugin
Furmanek, Greg
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 12:52:12 -0400
I think konqueror supports the same pluggin.
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: info@idatasys.com [mailto:info@idatasys.com]
-> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 8:35 AM
-> To: plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
-> Subject: KDE and Flash plugin
-> I have RedHat 7.1 installed and KDE 2.1.2. I also have
-> Ximian Gnome 1.4
-> loaded. When I open Mozilla 0.8.1 with the flash plugin
-> enabled under Gnome
-> life is good. If I load it under KDE, Mozilla take about 10
-> minutes to start
-> and locks up on every page with flash in it. If I remove
-> the Flash plugin
-> Mozilla is good under KDE. I prefer the KDE desktop to
-> Gnome so I would like
-> to get Flash working as I'm doing the server side
-> development on a Flash
-> enable site.
-> --
-> Rick Russell
-> iDataSys.com
-> 602.684.5223
-> Fax: 602.294.6453
-> http://www.idatasys.com
-> ________________________________________________
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