Turning off pcanywherestat

Craig White plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 19:26:20 -0700 (MST)

Quoting Sundar Narayanasamy <sundar4unix@excite.com>:

> Hello
> I ran nessus against my web server running (SuSE 7.1-kernel 2.4), it
> came
> out with a scan that I am running PC Anywhere on the server. I want to
> get
> rid of it. How do I do it and from which package did I get this.
> Cheers!,
> Sundar
Since I've never seen a version of PC Anywhere, I feel comfortable thinking that
this isn't the case. One of the problems with Nessus is that it has it's own
method of probing and to newbies...it's very confusing.

In this case, what it's alerting you to is the fact that port (this is from
memory) 5632 & 5631 aren't blocked which I can't see any reason to block it if
it's only a web server.

I suppose that if you add an ipchains rule to reject these ports, nessus will be


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