lilo failed--HELP
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 13:37:20 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Craig White wrote:

> "Michael J. Schweppe" wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 09:59:55 -0700, Craig White
> > <> wrote:
> > 
> > >I still think that you need to try bios=0x82 - I believe that you can
> > >try this from the lilo boot...i.e. - press control X when you see the
> > >lilo picker - type 'linux bios=0x82' ...
> > 
> > I'm not sure what the lilo picker is.  When I use the boot disk I get
> > a 'boot:' prompt where I hit enter.  If I don't use the disk, well,
> > like I said I just get the flashing 'L'.  Sorry to ask for
> > by-the-numbers here, but could you?
> > 
> ------------
> that's interesting.
> try looking at lilo.conf on the floppy (if it's on the floppy) don't
> quite understand the booting from floppy business...floppy booting is
> not my idea of progress.
> ---
> what I was suggesting was to boot without floppy...since lilo is
> installed in the mbr of the first hard drive, when it stops at startup
> to pick linux or dos (if you do nothing or just hit return it boots
> windows because the 'default = dos' setting), press control X before it
> moves on and type 
> linux bios=0x82
> Craig
The problem is he never gets the prompt. I think- based upon a previous
post of lilo.conf- that root is *way* too high on the disk, /dev/hdb8 if I
remember right. And boot=/dev/hda does not seem right either. There needs
to be a partition number there.. If you are using an older mb/bios, then
that could be the problem. Try setting up /boot=dev/hdb1 and (root)
/root=/dev/hdb2. Of course this may require a new install. I tried to get
my RH7.1 box to partion the way *I* thought it should be, and no luck.
When I let the installation decide I was much better off. But, that
doesn't mean that you couldn't get it to work just by moving some
partitions around to be lower on the disk (write your changes into
lilo.conf then rerun lilo)