Connecting to Exchange (Was: New to group)
Nathan England
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 09:48:31 -0700
The exchange admin had once apon a time allowed me to use pop. Then he
turned that off and told me to use IMAP.. Once he figured how to turn that
off he did. Which is why I'm running windows on this laptop..
I tried your suggestion anyway, but it won't work if pop is turned off.
Anyone else have any ideas? Or know any clients that work?
> In your Linux POP mail client:
> Set your outgoing SMTP server to, port 25.
> Set your incoming mail server to... (this is where it varies from
> person to person)...
> In Outlook, click on Tools --> Services --> Properties and write down
> the name of your Exchange server. Mine is "blahblah". Next, tack on
> which, in my case, results in "".
> Set the port to 110 (the standard POP port). To get your login name,
> click the new message button, click "To...", and search for your name.
> Click the "Properties" button and write down the number in the "Alias"
> field. The login name that you will use is...
> <NT Domain>\<NT Login>\<Alias #>
> So for me, I tell my mail client software that my login is:
> somedomain\matt\1234567
> Your POP mail password is your NT password.
> ~Matt