New to group
John (EBo) David
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 23:25:22 -0700
Kit Plummer wrote:
> Now, I know that there are some apps that do MS-Office formats one way,
> or even both ways (opening and saving) but generally, there isn't
> an application that can even come close to the completeness of
> MS-Office.
> And yes, there are low-level formats such as Rich-Text and Plain-Text.
> But,
> tell and upper management-type or executive that you can't accept his
> Word document attachment and it is all over.
Ok... how does kword and other really compare? what's wrong with them?
> >From and IT support standpoint, there are still relatively few
> Linux-friendly
> desktop support people available. Most Linux folks - generally speaking
> -
> are not your traditional help desk type. So that means that instead of
> paying a "green" IT staffer "Burger King" money, they'd have to pay more
> just to support Linux on the desktop. I know in the IT shops that I've
> worked in, nobody other than developers and administrator knew enough
> about
> Linux to support it, let alone run it themselves.
That is the general image, but I remember reading an arical from I think
it was Business Week where one of the journalists tried to install Linux
on an old PC... When he ran into trouble he posted his
problems/questions to a list like PLUG and lo and behold all of his
problems were fixed in a timely manner... Regular help desk? no,
solution to the problem? yes... There ARE serveces out there (or at
least there were) and I bet they were cheaper than calling Microsoft...
> But, look at Burlington and the DOD. They have successfully thrown
> Linux
> out on the desktop. So, it isn't really a matter of Linux's capability
> (other
> than MS-Office formats.) It has more to do with support.
I would say it has more to do with coporate image and, what was the old
IBM strategic saying? where they use fear, lies, etc. to make the sale
and scare away people from the competition?
EBo --