CVS - A cool topic...
Derek A. Neighbors
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 20:37:46 -0700
This book is a quick read and best CVS book I think available. It is
available on line for free (minus VERY good open source philosphy texts)
I agree a class would be nice, but this will teach you all you need to
know about CVS to make it work and run and be useful. Rather than a CVS
class, I would rather see either a series of classes or one longer
session on HOW TO PACKAGE / RELEASE / MAINTAIN a free software project.
This is something we get lots of request for on the GNU project. I
think we at FSF are looking to make a book on it, but a talk would be
nice too... Say...
a. Choosing a license
b. Copyright
c. Setting up cvs
d. Creating documentation w/ docbook
e. Creating RPM's / Debians
f. Setting up mailman
g. Setting up Bonsai / LXR / CVSWeb
Also, of course setting up I mean using as well, since things like
sourceforge exist, the setting up part is obsolete for smaller projects
and its just a matter of usage. Maybe teh developer group could do this
as well? Just a thought.
Kimi Ann Adams wrote:
> Shoot, this is something that I have been recently looking into. The
> topic would be something I would cancel all other engagements to learn
> about. Please, anyone willing to give a special class or choose this
> for a meeting?
> Kimi
> At 7/24/01 05:33 PM, you wrote:
>> I've just been learning about CVS Repositories (Thanks to Joel Dudley).
>> They ROCK! This is would be a great topic for one of our meetings...
>> If I only learned about this a year ago... hummmm
>> Chris
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