Eric Richardson
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 14:32:32 -0700
Linux wrote:
> >From: Blake Barnett <>
> >To: "''"
> ><>
> >Subject: RE: Introductions
> >Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:39:48 -0700
> >Reply-To:
> >
> >If you really want to _learn_ linux, not just how to use it, but the
> >technical nitty-gritty --Go with Debian. If you want to simply use linux
> as
> >you would use windows then Mandrake is probably best.
> >
> I just bought "Bebian GNU/Linux Bible" from for 34.95 plus
> $3.45 (I think) shipping (no Tax!!!!). It covers Debian Potato. In looking
> at it, it seems very comprehensive. It covers most everything one would need
> to be aware of. It does not get into depth on all issues. It comes with a
> CD that has some of the Debian Packages.
When I was starting out on Debian 6 months ago, this book came with an
old Debian(slink?). I was told that ordering the Disks form
cheapbytes(link from was the way to go and they are less
that $10. The comments on the book where okay, so you certainly are okay
Once you get going upgrading from there is easy.