Publish and Perish
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 01:46:05 -0700 (MST)
On 20-Jul-2001 Kevin Brown wrote:
> He wrote a program that decrypts about 25% of a file encrypted for use with
> the
> Adobe Ebook software as a proof of concept to show how weak the protection
> was.
> That is a violation of the DMCA (Digital Millenium (not Music) Copyright
> Act).
> The program is available to US citizens and he came to this country, so he is
> affected by US laws. Hopefully cases like this and the one with East Coast
> professors about the SDMI will get the part of the law regarding reverse
> engineering being illegal reversed and make it legal and protected again.
In the meantime those software developers concerned with their civil liberties
should consider supporting the Electronic Frontier Foundation (an ACLU-like
body that fights civil rights in cyberspace).
Did I just use the c-word?.. I feel so dirty now.
Anyway, I just joined the EFF today, enough is enough.
+ --_____________________________________________________________________-- +
| | Lane Davis No man is an island, but if you take a bunch | |
| | <> of dead guys and tie them together, they make | |
| | Phone: 602-722-1200 a pretty good raft. | |
+ --_____________________________________________________________________-- +