Publish and Perish

Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:28:17 -0700

I wonder how Curtis knows how many script kiddies were there ::grin::

On Thursday 19 July 2001 15:21, you wrote:
> Sklyarov was arrested at DefCon, after presenting on how to circumvent the
> security on eBooks.  (about as tough as ROT13, if I've heard correctly)
> Wonder how this little occurance will impact next year's DefCon.  This
> year they allowed *cameras* inside...a previous no-no.  A lot of things
> slipped this year, IMHO.  Big crowds.  More script kiddies running
> around.  Lower quality in some of the talks...but still some good ones,
> admittedly.
> We'll see.
> -Curtis
> #include <standard_disclaimer.h>