Publish and Perish
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 14:51:49 -0700
Well at least we can be proud that we are not part of corporate America.
Another interesting thing that could come out with all this crap,
notwithstanding the protests against DMCA and Adobe, is that maybe this will
help uncover how much influence Adobe had when the DMCA was written.
Needless to say, corporate protectionism (aka DMCA) is akin to corporate
welfare (aka the governments, federal, state, and local) being the biggest
clients of Microsoft. America is becoming a government of the companies, by
the companies, and for the companies.
On Thursday 19 July 2001 14:47, you wrote:
> it is stuff like this that almost makes me ashamed to call myself
> American...
> EBo --