August PLUG topic: Kylix

Richard Ibbotson
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 10:15:34 +0100

Dear All

> I sent an email to Borland, the likelihood is still in 'Fat Chance'
> territory...

I wouldn't be too keen to go for it if I were you.  There's a lot of 
critics of Kylix.  With tools like Anjunta, Glade and Kdevelop around 
that are free then it's likely that a lot of people have a right to 
their opinions.

I've got both versions of Kylix.  Desktop and server versions.  Both 
of them crash a lot.  It's a design fault.  Compare this with the 
others and X-emacs and you begin to wonder.

I was going to write a review for a magazine but didn't on the 
strength of what I'm looking at.

