internet terrorism (A preview of whats to come if windows XP makes

John (EBo) David
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 12:23:44 -0700

Rusty Carruth wrote:
> > teergrube?  hmmm... what's that?  I'm getting on the upwards of 100
> > emails a day and that *with* digests of what I am following for work...
> >
> Thats a 'tarpit' in German.
> The idea is that you slow down the snmp connection for known spammers
> so that they either:
> 1 detect that you are a slow connection and drop you
>         or
> 2 - don't detect that you are working on holding them back from their
>     massive spam attempt - in which case the more people who do this,
>     the less spam they can send.
> Some folks think that tarpits don't work.  but then, some tarpits
> are set up poorly.  10 seconds is NOT a good pit!  I prefer 10
> seconds for the NORMAL (non-pit) mode (but I'm going to be
> experimenting with longer times), and a day (or more) for
> the tarpit...

True... 10 seconds (human time) is really nothing to volume trafic
across major mail nodes.  10 minuites on the otherhand may be anoying. 
several days even better...

  EBo --