AZ Software Developers - A new group forming...
John (EBo) David
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 04:14:43 -0700
Tom Bradford wrote:
> Jiva DeVoe wrote:
> > Recently, while discussing coding with some of my friends, we all
> > arrived at the conclusion that what Arizona needs is a Software
> > Development users group, which could meet monthly for the purposes of
> > bringing GREAT software people together, and to generally improve the
> > quality of our craft in Arizona.
don't know if I'm great, but I do my best...
> I like it! As long as it's not simply a Perl/PHP mutual appreciation
> society, and is truly for software developers, I'd be interested.
personally I would love to kick around some ideas with others here... I
am toying around with implementing a computational geometry library via (freely distributed) that uses policies to implement different
geometries (euclidean, spherical, bericentric,...) -- needed for my
I also have a need for some simple embeded controller projects. Anyone
here played with PIC Micro controlers and interfacing them to Linux,
packet radio (HAM), ethernet, etc.?
Maybe we should get together a list of who is doing what and is
interested in what kind of thing...
EBo --