LAN file sharing

Craig White
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 23:12:55 -0700

"" wrote:
> I tried to share files between 2 RH 7.1 work stations.  My first try was by nfs.  The "from" w/s that has the
> file was configured as 1) /etc/hosts fils has the "to" w/s and the "to" w/s is in the /etc/exports (along with the
> "from" directory.  The book I'm using says to restart /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd & /rpc.mountd.  rpc.mountd continues
> to run, but rpc.nfsd doew not show on a "ps aux"  command as the book expects.  A rpm quiery shows that
> nfs-utils are there.  The attempt to mount the "from" directory onto an empty dir on the "to" w/s resulted in a
> msg saying unable to receive.
> Second try was via ftp, however neither w/s was a server.  My search thru the HOWTO's didn't say much
> about  ftp servering. only showed clients.
> Any help?  Appreciations,
> Gene

First off - ftp is awfully clumsy compared to nfs - nfs is a direct
mount and it is the tree mount system that's one of the features of unix
and it's linux cousins so completely cool (and what Microsoft is
emulating with Active Directory).

anyway - /etc/exports (on computer sharing a directory)

/,no_root_squash)  #one of my shares

shares the /home directory - host allowed to access (options)

then on the other computer

my preferred method is to add something to /etc/fstab    /mnt/bambam     nfs      exec,dev,suid,rw,noauto
1 1  

this allows me to access this share, where to mount it at, type of fs,

of course on a noauto mount, you would have to type /mnt/bambam to
actually mount it.

see man mount, man exports  and man fstab

