Anyone using Caldera's Workstation 3.1?
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 14:39:56 -0700
New subscriber here... I've been using Caldera's eDesktop 2.4 for a
year or so (not exclusively... there's a Windows 2000 box sitting
right next to the Linux box) and just recently downloaded and
installed from the iso image for Workstation 3.1.
So far, I haven't turned on the Windows PC! I may be fully weaned
from Microsoft this time.
I'm currently trying to get FTP working -- this distribution is
"secure out of the box" and the provided documentation has so far
failed to work. Next step is to get the latest wu-ftpd from wherever
it lives and install from scratch. Any other ideas? (Besides
waiting for my license to arrive so I can ask Caldera how to do it.
That's step 2. Patience isn't one my virtues.)
Having scanned the list of senders on the messages I've read so far,
I have to wonder... are there any other women subscribed?
Wendy in Chandler, AZ