Loggin in...

Tom Bradford plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:55:34 -0700

Derek Neighbors wrote:
> I would say GNU is the real revolution.  It started in 1985 and without it
> Open Source wouldnt exist as we know it today and neither would Linux.
> Before GNU things were more 'shared source' then in early eighties the
> prop software model w/o any source started and thats when GNU was created
> to combat it.

Coming from a man who has the word 'gnu' in his email address, I don't
know if I believe you :)  I'm actually not a huge fan of the GPL or
LGPL.  Don't forget though that there were plenty of open source
licences before the FSF came into being, and while Linux has a lot to do
with the visibility of open source software these days, Apache also had
quite a bit to do with it as well, the license of which is based more in
the land of BSD/MIT licensing.
After all, if it weren't for Apache, how would people find the stuff? 
Gopher servers?  I think not.

> Hmmm.. I kind of like the goat sex links...

I was thinking about going to the meeting tonight, but after reading
this statement, if you're going to be there, I think I may pass.

> I was never too enthralled by the level of debate at Slashdot, once upon a
> time thier news was decent, but even it seems days late or non relevant
> more often than not. :(  (Mind you I have seen good slashdot posts, but
> they have always been a small percentage, just now with more users they
> are even harder to find)

Agreed.  See people at 7:00.

-- Tom