How to do Network installation on a machine that does not have
any drives(including floopy drive)
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 20:15:10 -0700 (MST)
Am 05. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Sundar Narayanasamy so:
> Would any body know of any HOW-TOs or any other personal document on
> re-installing linux on box(Cobalt RAQ4) which does not have any drives.
I presume you mean no floppy or CD drives, but does have a hard drive. If
there's no hd, then reconfiguring whatever's feeding will take care of it
> Since the Cobalt box has lot of stuff that I don't need, I am trying to
> do re-install with just the things I need. So, if you have any
> information please shoot me a mail.
If you can add a pci card, get a network card that can boot from the net. I
will be getting one or more this weekend. 3com has some that are supposed to
be really good. There might be cheaper ones, but I don't what they are and
don't know if they work.
If it has USB, you could try a USB network card that allows for network
Then again, if you've been using package management on it, you should be
able to clean it up by hand. Might be easier than reinstalling from scratch
and it's an opportunity to learn more about Linux :).
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