Trouble installing Debian
Sun, 1 Jul 2001 22:35:58 -0700 (MST)
Am 29. Jun, 2001 schwäzte Chris Cowan so:
> Hans, I was told that your the man to talk to...
Uh, oh. Lies. Damned lies! :)
> I've got the install working up until I get to the XF86Setup then the X
> server has problems connecting and craps out giving me an _X11unix_connect
> errno = 111 (something like that).
OK, error in X setup. But you already know that :). Try "startx
2>/tmp/X.err". Then look at /tmp/X.err. Tons of info in there nowadays, but
you should be able to find something worthwhile in there.
Plenty of people on this list understand X way better than I.
Make a copy of your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, then try setting it up again.
Debian has anXious, with which I've had moderate success. XFree86 now comes
with xf86cfg ( which should be on your Debian box, it's in the xbase-clients
package ). I used this last week. It detected both video cards and both
monitors ( 21" and 19" ). Dual head stuff didn't work right, but it gave me
a good base to start with. I will be trying anXious Mon or Tue. xf86cfg
shouldn't have any probs with a single head box like your laptop.
Have you verified that the video chip is supported? What version of X? Looks
like 4.0.3 is what's in testing right now.
Also look for K Harker's Linux on Laptops page, which is referenced
somewhere in the Linux Laptop HOWTO ( found at ). There
might be a page for your laptop there.
> If you can get me up and running on debian on my laptop I will give you my
> copy of Debian for PPC 2.2 dist set that I got from LinuxCentral. (I won the
> door prize at the WestSide meeting and got a hold of the YDL Disks.
I'd love copies of both :), but I'm helping for free :).
# I chose to use the kernel sources as my documentation. ;-)
# -- Kevin Buettner