Using Kickstart under Red Hat 6.2
30 Jan 2001 15:59:46 -0800
I believe you also need to tell it to format the partitions. thats the one command I don't see in your kickstart file.
I've found (especially with redhat) that if you don't format the partitions WITH bad-block checking, it will generate error messages because the system ran out of space on the swap file.
you might try adding the appropriate commands for formatting the partitions. this may remove or minimize the errors a bit.
On Tue, 30 January 2001, "Simper, Brian D" wrote:
> I am responsible for producing an installation of Red Hat Linux 6.2 for my
> employer. I am not trying to install anything beyond what comes on the CD,
> but
> I do have several specific packages that need to be placed on the target
> machines (i.e., korn shell) and certain packages that should not at all be
> placed on the machines (i.e., games). I would prefer to have the
> distribution
> run using Kickstart rather than use a process that requires an engineer to
> site
> at a console and select package groups and disk slicing.
> I have been unsuccessful in getting any kickstart to work yet. I think I
> have a
> reasonable kickstart file, but I am not sure what I might be doing wrong. I
> am
> trying to run the install from a CD and floppy first, but may try to have it
> run
> over the network if I can get at least the CD/floppy combo to work. I am
> trying
> to get this to run on Red Hat 6.2 so far and will try 7.0 in the future.
> I merely added the ks.cfg file to a regular boot floppy created with the
> rawrite
> program. When I get the "boot:" prompt I typed "linux ks=floppy" and the
> process runs for a while then gets to a blue background screen. I then can
> hear
> the CD-ROM trying to run and the "Welcome to Red Hat Linux" text message
> appears. A few seconds after that the system starts pumping out badly
> formatted
> error messages which quickly run off the screen then it unceremoniously
> spits
> out the CD and halts.
> I have done lots of RH6.2 installs with this CD including my own workstation
> but
> I can't seem to get kickstart to run. The KS.CFG is appended. Any ideas?
> --begin KS.CFG------------------------------------
> lang en_US
> network --bootproto dhcp
> cdrom
> keyboard us
> zerombr yes
> clearpart --all
> part / --size 1024 --grow
> part /boot --size 20
> part /tmp --size 128
> part swap --size 128
> part /var --size 256
> part /usr --size 1280
> install
> mouse generic3ps/2
> timezone --utc
> xconfig --defaultdesktop=GNOME --startxonboot
> rootpw --iscrypted $1$2ss5z.mT$H7k5N4b5LpV1g50kupcMM0
> auth --useshadow --enablemd5
> lilo --location mbr
> %packages
> @ Base
> @ X Window System
> @ KDE
> @ Mail/WWW/News Tools
> @ DOS/Windows Connectivity
> @ Networked Workstation
> @ NFS Server
> @ SMB (Samba) Server
> @ Development
> @ Kernel Development
> @ Utilities
> @ Server
> %pre
> %post
> --end KS.CFG-----------------------------------------
> Thanks,
> Brian Simper
> Linux Product Engineer
> Intel Corporation
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