Redhat Worm?
22 Jan 2001 22:19:04 -0800
they get lower again as you head into phoenix.
there are some places on central avenue I wish I could rent (out of my price range). on place is: the shadows located on 703 west coolige (one block south of highland). the prices are decent, but the income requirement kills me..
there are a couple of cheaper (albiet not pretty looking) options on 12th street and highland. rents are cheap for 1 bedrooms ($429/month plus utilities reimbursement to the landlord)..
I'm still looking, but I need help and rides and such.
On Mon, 22 January 2001, Jason wrote:
> I havent gotten a place yet, am still in the process of looking. What
> ive noticed pricewise is that from AJ, rents go up as you aproach
> Tempe (Except the scenic area near the superstitions...).. on the
> other hand, with the increase in rent, you get features like paved
> sidewalks.. heheh...
> --
> jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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