Fwd: Final Info for O'Reilly P2P Conference
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:56:43 -0700
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Subject: Final Info for O'Reilly P2P Conference
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 11:43:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Denise Olliffe <deniseo@oreilly.com>
To: farli@wiredglobal.com
O'Reilly's P2P Conference is February 14-16, in San Francisco, CA.
The O'Reilly Conference on P2P explores the business and technical
questions raised by the most revolutionary new Internet applications
since the Web. Napster, Gnutella, Freenet, Infrasearch, SETI@Home,
Popular Power, Groove, Jabber, UDDI, you name it, they'll (see list
below) all be there under one roof, providing a unique opportunity to
meet and learn from the technology and business innovators who are
shaping the next generation of pervasive technologies.
For more information on the speakers or to register for the O'Reilly
Peer-toPeer Conference, see: http://conferences.oreilly.com/p2p/
Speakers are:
David Anderson, Director SETI@home & Chief Technology of United
Devices Inc.
Michael Bauer, VP of Product Marketing, Jabber.com
Andreas Becker, Senior Consultant, Diebold Deutschland GmbH
Jamie Bernardin, Co-Founder, DataSynapse
Greg Bolcer, CTO, Endeavors Technology
Dan Bricklin
Greg Broiles, CEO, Turtledove
Marshall Burns, President, Ennex Corporation
Larry Cheng, Associate, Battery Ventures
Mike Clary
Ward Cunningham, Cofounder, Cunningham and Cunningham
Roger Dingledine, Security Philosopher, Reputation Technologies, Inc.
Cory Doctorow, Co-Founder and Chief Evangelist, OpenCola
Rael Dornfest, Maven, Developer, O'Reilly Network
Edd Dumbill, Managing Editor, XML.com
Andre Durand, General Manager, Jabber.com, Inc.
John Ellis, Columnist and Consultant, Fast Company magazine and
the New York Press
Wesley Felter, Editor, Hack the Planet Weblog
Jim Gallagher, Ackme
Lucas Gonze, Cofounder and CEO, WorldOS Corporation
Jonathan Hare, President, CEO and Co-Founder, Consilient
Jamey Harvey, Founder, co-President & Chief Product Officer, Ikimbo.
John Hebeler, Roku
Justin Hibbard, Senior Writer, Red Herring
Michael Hitz, CTO, skyfish.com
Theodore Hong, Developer, Freenet Project
Christian Huitema, Trustee, Internet Society
Bill Joy, Chief Scientist, Sun Microsystems
Gene Kan, CEO, InfraSearch
Rohit Khare, founding member of Jabber.com's Technical Advisory Board
Alexis Kopikis, Co-founder, WorldStreet
Larry Lessig, Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
Andrew Mahon, Director, Strategic Marketing, Groove Networks, Inc.
Scott Miller, Indiana University
Nelson Minar, Chief Technology Officer, Popular Power
Dana Moore, Roku
Zach Nelson, President and CEO, myCIO.com
Darren New, Senior Technical Staff, Invisible Worlds, Inc.
Tim O'Reilly, President and CEO, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Ray Ozzie, Founder and CEO, Groove Networks
Shelley Powers, Consultant/Author, Burning Bird Enterprises
Karl Schroeder, Structured Document Designer, OpenCOLA
Clay Shirky, Partner for Technology and Product Strategy,
The Accelerator Group
Marc Stiegler, Consultant/Author
David Stutz, Software Architect, Microsoft Corporation
Michael Tanne, CEO, XDegrees
Kelly Truelove, Founder & CEO, Clip2
Mark R. Walker, Intel Corporation
Bryce Wilcox, Mojo Nation
Brandon Wiley, Author, University of Texas
Dave Winer, CEO, UserLand Software
Speaker biographies are available at:
Bliss comes from within, ignorance from without