fetchmail & mutt
Nathan Saper
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 22:34:50 -0700
On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 01:45:43PM -0700, sinck@ugive.com wrote:
> Ob vi jab: What, echo mode and beep mode?
In VIM, putting 'set insertmode' in your .vimrc file makes it start in input
mode. You can then use commands by preceding them with ^O. For example,
typing ^Odd in input mode deletes the current line.
This basically turns VIM into a modeless editor, if that's really what you
want. ;-)
> I also admit to having learned a Lisp deritave as my first major
> programming language, which would bias me towards emacs too.
Yup, that would do it.
[ Nathan Saper (natedog@well.com) http://www.well.com/user/natedog/ ]
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