Additional memory?
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 13:24:25 -0700
Considering the size of some programs and X managers these days,
increasing your ram can't hurt.
I recently went from 64 M to 128 M and I've noticed that
I don't hit the swap partition nearly so often anymore.
in a way, this is the most defined performance increase I've
seen. X also loads faster and doesn't generate some of the
errors I've come to expect from it.
"Michael J. Schweppe" wrote:
> This may seem to be silly question but would I notice a significant
> increase in performance if I increased my RAM? In the past I recall
> hearing various opinions as to if a 'real' advantage does exist.
> My current setup is a PIII 450 w/ 64M RAM.
> I'm not doing anything special presently, no graphics to edit, or hi-end
> games, just learning/playing with Linux.
> If adding additional memory is a real advantage would adding another 128
> on top of the present 64 realize a significant benefit especially since
> Linux manages memory usage so well?
> Mike
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