Recent unsavory (and unintended) uses of Gnutella
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 19:26:53 -0700 (MST)
Am 10. Jan, 2001 schwäzte Digital Wokan so:
> Hawke wrote:
> > The following is a link to the story in question:
> I'm completely against child porn, but let's face it. Gnutella and
I hope we're all against it.
> Napster didn't create the problem. Those German investigators might as
> well be finding anyone running an FTP server. With who knows how many
Yup. I haven't figured out if the Munich (München) cops are trying to
cause problems and throw us back into the medieval ages or they really are
trying to help. They're also the ones who caused compuserv all the probs
in Europe due to carrying newsgroups that had porn. Compuserv turned off
all news services in Europe for a while due to that. OTOH, they were one
of the first police orgs to have people specializing in computer and
Internet stuff.
Write pages dedicated to Gnutella chocolate spread and create more work
for them :).
> It's been said so many times that it's become another ignored cliche:
> You can't solve a sociological problem with a technological answer.
Most accurate.
> Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
> Guerilla Linux Warrior
At first glance I thought you'd changed that to 'Gnutella Linux Warrior'
# ;-)
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