vmware & 2.4.0 kernel

Hawke proudhawk19021@home.com
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 11:12:15 -0700

I have also found that you may have to go through the 
process of compiling a kernel in order to get 
VMWare to work, as some files are not initially created 
during the install of the system itself (not vmware).

meantime, If I only had the cash to buy the lic. oh well,
we all can't have what we want.


Nick Estes wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The 2.3/2.4 series kernels changed some things that broke earlier versions
> of vmware, you need to upgrade to 2.0.3 (released in Nov.) to get the
> vmware modules to compile correctly.
>         --Nick

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