Oracle in Linux Environment
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:34:42 -0700
I've heard good things about BSD (openBSD/freeBSD).
they are the closest to sun/solaris and are designed for the
X86 architecture.
also, you might consider a sun/solaris setup for the X86 Architecture
(I know they have it as I was recently offered a copy of their version
7 for only $7.00 USD)
I am still a ewbie to BSD, but I am starting to get into the hang
of things (will be burning a copy of 2.8 with all the installation and
tools tonight).
Vishwa Hassan wrote:
> We are currently considering moving to Intel based platforms (from
> SUN/Solaris) running one of the distributions of Linix. This email is to
> solicit suggestions on the kind of platform and the distribution.
> We would like to run Oracle Apps and Oracle database on two separate
> platforms. I understand the recommended distribution is the RedHat. I
> would like to hear comments on the platform required in terms of processing
> power and memory and the recommended distribution to run Oracle.
> Further, if a single machine is not sufficient enough in terms of processing
> capabilities which performance Linux based clustering software can be used ?
> Would appreciate your feedback particularly from those who have setup
> similar environment.
> Vishwa
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