Any body using Cox@home internet >?

Sun, 7 Jan 2001 17:21:45 -0700

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Im dual booting my sys. until I can figure out how to my internet =
working on suse 6.4. if any one out there is using @home on suse or =
knows how to config. it=20

Please let me.

Thanks from the Truly Newbie
joe the hoe

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Im dual booting my sys. until I can =
figure out how=20
to my internet working on suse 6.4. if any one out there is using @home =
on suse=20
or knows how to config. it </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Please let me.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Thanks from the Truly =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>joe the hoe</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
