"Linux" case logo

Joshua Eichorn jeichorn@burroak.com
Sat, 06 Jan 2001 01:27:45 -0700

William Lindley wrote:

> Awhile back, we got some "Powered by RedHat" and "BSD" case stickers.  You 
> know, the 1" x 1" things which go on your generic beige box.
> Anyone know whether updated versions of these are available?  Maybe a 
> Mandrake one?
> \\/
> p.s., Yes I tried the search engines but subsets and variations of "pc 
> case label sticker logo" resulted in nothing vaguely useful.  Perhaps if I 
> could think what you called this thingie...!
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Most distro badges like a powered by redhat or powered by mandrake come 
in the boxed version of the distro.  I believe redhat 7 comes with 
around 10.
-joshua eichorn