GPL/LGPL and the Linux kernel
Deepak Saxena
Wed, 3 Jan 2001 22:07:14 -0500
On Jan 03 2001, at 14:33, Stephen P. Smith was caught saying:
> We were talking liscening issues here today and I was asked a question.
> If the linux kernel is under the GPL, it can be linked against glibc
> without a problem.
> Now let's say that I write a non-GPL compatible program and want to run
> it on Linux. If it links against the kernel then I am in volation of
> the GPL'ed kernel liscense - correct. If so, how do I run my program on
> linux?
The kernel and system libraries (glibc, libm, etc) are LGPL. You can
dynamically link to them with a binary only application. You cannot;
however, build a static linked version of you application and distribute
it as binary only.
> sps
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Deepak Saxena - - phone://602.790.0500
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein