sendmail params
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:59:18 -0700
\_ I'm using webmin on a Storm Debian 2.2 installation to set up sendmail
\_ parameters. I can send mail out, but when I send it into the server, I get an
\_ error from my ISP telling me that the addresses were bad and that relaying
\_ isn't supported.
\_ What should I put in the aliases box to get it to accept things properly?
\_ Right now, it only contains
\_ localhost.
\_ It shows something like '', which seems odd to me. Why
\_ is the domain name duplicated? needs to have a fqdn for every host you don't want
sendmail to hate outright. It might still hate them, but that'll come
\_ Also, I've got a few different user-ids on this box. How do I set things up
\_ so that non-matching user-ids are all routed to one of them?
Check for virtusertable (at least on RH6.2) and stick a line in there
for each fqdn: localusername localusername2