Linux Laptop turnkey
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:11:27 -0700

\_    Hardware-wise I want 500+ MHz, 128Mbytes, & 10+ Gbytes.
\_       As for the screen . . . I haven't played a computer game in months.
\_ The point is to work on the thesis at home, in the study cubicle, at the
\_ coffee shop.  Thesis, thesis, thesis.  (The thesis is in WordPerfect.)
\_ I could do this with a $1000 system, and maybe I should.
\_    Unfortunately, I want to use the thing for some hobby projects that
\_ involve Web and more traditional software development -- maybe computer
\_ science classes, maybe some Oracle DB development.  I fear a $1000 system
\_ would have to be retired with the thesis.

Snork.  Years ago, I laid out the bucks for a nice new system for my
graduate CS thesis in computer graphics.  The monitor has an issue
now, (and Erv's quoted me a believable scarcity of parts such that I
stalled on a fix; Erv seems good), and I plopped in some more memory
and a 4.5G drive, but the rest of the from 1995.  Good for
everything I've needed to do since and including my thesis. The power
plant for this awesome machine?....

a p-120.

Heh.  I *am* contemplating upgrading tho.  I want more eye candy.
