Linux Laptop turnkey

Kevin Buettner
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 22:51:23 -0700

On Feb 12,  7:27pm, der.hans wrote:

> > Does anyone know of vendors who will sell a laptop pre-loaded with some
> > species of Linux?
> Dell sells boxen, laptops included, with Linux pre-installed, but I don't
> know if consumers can get to those things.

A very good question indeed!  When I saw this question earlier today,
I immediately thought of Penguin Computing, VA Linux, and Dell.  (I
have experience with desktop machines purchased from all three of
these companies.)

I know VA used to sell laptops, but they don't seem to any longer.

I don't know if Penguin ever sold laptops, but if they ever did,
I don't think they do anymore.

As for Dell, I know that it used to be possible to configure/buy
a Linux laptop, but I couldn't get to a page where it was possible
to do this today.

So, at the moment, I don't know of any vendors who sell laptops with
Linux pre-loaded.  Fortunately, it isn't very hard to install it
yourself!  (Which is maybe why this market has dried up...)
