Mon, 12 Feb 2001 08:03:54 -0700

\_ Anybody (Sinck??) know of programs/utilities that write/flesh perl/cgi code
\_ for MySQL databases (i.e. simple data entry screens for new record / edit
\_ record stuff).


Who sssumonsss mee?


I once a dot com ago wrote something that would have been trivial to
do that in, given that it had the foundation.... But that was Oracle.
I don't know of any tools to make the editing fully automatic.  I've
got a different set of baseline scripts that are almost general enough
to cope with a lot of things, but a) they don't query the database for
info, b) are not constructed with others in mind, and c) there's
at least one more reason that escapes me at the moment.

You might try #perl on one of the irc servers near you.  Or scan the
DBI mailing list archives....
