Squid WCCP Problems

Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. plug@phxinternet.net
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 16:27:41 -0700

I am having problems with my squid box which is running FreeBSD 4.11 and
squid 2.3 Stable 4.  I have enabled the WCCP tags in the squid.conf as well
as compiled the kernel with the modifications suggested on the
squid-cache.org site (added the gre.c file as well as modified the other
files).  I have no firewalling configured on this server.  None of my
packets are being redirected.

My router is a Cisco 4500 running 12.0(6).  I ran the command, ip wccp
enable, and in the interface, ip web-cache redirect.  Below is the wccp
pluto#show ip wccp
Global WCCP information:
        Number of web-caches:                1
        Total Packets Redirected:            0
        Redirect access-list:                -none-
        Total Packets Denied Redirect:       0
        Total Packets Unassigned:            0
        Group access-list:                   -none-
        Total Packets Denied to Group:       0

pluto#show ip wccp web-caches
WCCP Web-Cache information:
        IP Address:            W.X.Y.Z
        Protocol Version:      0.4
        State:                 Usable
        Initial Hash Info:     00000000000000000000000000000000
        Hash Allotment:        256 (100.00%)
        Packets Redirected:    0
        Connect Time:          00:24:00


Can someone give me direction as to what to do next or as to what I am doing

Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.