
Thu, 08 Feb 2001 08:12:08 +0000

You score 100 cool points for the Tori quote!!

Any other Toriphiles on the list???

a few of my random favs:
"Yes I swear your the fiercest calm ive been in"
"I say the world is sick, you say tell me what that makes us darling"
... "I found the secret to life / I'm OK when everything is not OK"
	-Upside Down

And Glory of the 80s doesnt make me feel all weird/nostalgic .. I
remember feeling like I was missing out on something, like something
was passing me by that I wouldnt have. It was... hell, petroleum
production will be PEAKING OUT in 3 to 5 years. Its not "someday"
anymore. Its Real Soon Now. After that it will actually start falling
off, while getting more expensive at the same time... and damn, if the
Californians arent already "freezing in the dark" on and off

Oh well, at least one good thing will come out of it all; hopefully
this trend towards dangerous, fuel-gluttonous, bloated sports-utility
vehicles will burn itself out soon!!! 

Deepak Saxena wrote:
> call me 'evil' call me 'tide is on your side' anything that you want
> anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
>   - Tori Amos, "Suede"
jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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