Speaking of experience

Brian Cluff brian@snaptek.com
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 13:19:03 -0700

> Anyone have any idea how to get into that?  Are there any certifications
> that would be valuable?  Sun?  RedHat?

From my experience, its what you know that counts.  A certification doesn't
mean you know what you are doing, just that you passed a test, and any boss
that puts a ton of weight on someone having a cart would probably be a
difficult boss to work for.
Probably the best way to get a ton of experience is to just decide that
linux is your main workstation and try and do everything on it.  Of course
you will probably have to dip back into the windows world from time to time,
but there is hardly any reason to do so these days.  They go to the PLUG
meeting and hang around after the meeting is over and get to know people....
listen to what they say.  If you want to get into a lot of security then
remember, be paranoid (see Jean for how to best do that, and remember....
your being watched).  Also read freshmeat.net from top to bottom every day,
and try programs out for no reason other than to see if you get do it.....
etc etc etc

Like the old nike ad campaign..... Just do it

Brian Cluff