WANTED: Script Guru!!
Thu, 01 Feb 2001 20:53:56 +0000
Gary Nichols wrote:
> I think what he wants is someone to write some scripts on the linux
> boxes so that when people telnet (or better yet ssh *cough* *cough*) to
> the linux boxes, they are presented with a multiple-choice menu of some
> sort to run pre-defined programs or tasks. Sort or like the shell
> menuing system that isp's used to use years ago for lucky people that
> had shell accounts. :)
I had a shell account on rain.org until I moved here April 1999. Made
downloading HELLA easier - "sz" is a WORLD faster than FTP over IP
over PPP (plus, pulling the file down at the ISP's speed means I had
it available to split up, do whatever with, etc.)
jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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