Questions on a Sun box

Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:54:26 -0700

"J.L.Francois" wrote:
> It seems like on Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 03:09:34PM -0700, David Demland scribbled:
> Orig Msg> goal: use the Spark 20 box as a firewall for both lines. I would like to put
> Orig Msg>
> Orig Msg> Thank You,
> Orig Msg>
> I currently run Debian and OpenBSD on Sparc(Classic,IPX,IPC,2) with
> great success. All are headless boxes.

There also a Sparc(tm)Linux from Mandrake.  Probably available as one
of those 'nearly free' cds you can find variously around the net -
check google or deja for something like "Mandrake Sparc Linux CD"

Also, I have an old (7.1 I think) version of Mandrake 'Corporate
(what they call their SLINUX distro) - I could make a copy for you
if you want...
