GTK font weirdness

Bill Warner
31 Dec 2001 16:45:25 -0700

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On Mon, 2001-12-31 at 16:05, Nathan Saper wrote:
> On Mon, 2001-12-31 at 10:02, Bill Warner wrote:
> > I had this problem a few weeks ago it seems.  If i remember right one o=
> > two font pacages got lost in the upgrade.  double check all your font
> > paths in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and make sure all your font packages are
> > installed
> > dpkg -l |grep fonts
> >=20
> > Bill W
> I checked all my XFS and XF86Config font paths and made sure that all
> the font packages are installed; everything appears to be OK.  I don't
> seem to have any problems with non-GTK applications, which leads me to
> think that something's hosed in my GTK setup.
> Any ideas?

Thats pretty tuff, I suppose you could apt-get remove all the gtk and
gnome packages and re-install them as a last resort.  I have had to do
that before.  Does Google show up with anything?  Normally if there is a
problem with Debian packages there will be a flood of emails on one of
the lists that google has cached.

You can also try updateing from sid if you are not on a critical
server.  Probly shouldn't be running gtk apps on a critical server

I guess what I am really trying to say here is that I have no clue.=20
Google search and Google groups are your friends.

> --=20
> [ Nathan Saper ( ]
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Bill Warner
Unix/Linux Admin.
Direct Alliance Corporation

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